Graduate College Funding Assistantships Assistantship Clearinghouse Teaching Assistant: Writing Across Media Instructor

Teaching Assistant: Writing Across Media Instructor

The Center for Writing Studies



Application Deadline


Teaching Assistantship

Position Start Date

Description, Responsibilities, and Qualifications

Writing Across Media (WAM) is an upper-division multimodal composition course in Writing Studies and Informatics (INFO/WRIT 303) that meets the Advanced Composition requirement. The course approaches writing as a multimodal practice, and students explore different ways of communicating across both digital and physical media. There are flexible goals for the course, and instructors have taken up WAM with different frameworks in mind, from design approaches to semiotics to digital rhetorics. (You do not need to have your course designed or your framework finalized to apply.)

Teaching one section of WAM is considered a 33% appointment. Enrollment in each section is capped at 20 students, to ensure the course is manageable and students receive direct support. Responsibilities include: course/syllabus design (with administrative support and past samples), lesson planning and teaching (T/Th 75 min), providing feedback, hosting office hours, and supporting students. 

Selected applicants will have priority to teach three semesters of WAM over the course of their graduate career; after those three semesters, continued appointment is based on instructor interest, available sections, and course needs. Beyond those three semesters, priority will be given to instructors who have not taught WAM.

Examples of past and current syllabi and assignments are available at request. If you have any questions or if there are materials that would be helpful when considering applying or designing your course, please do not hesitate to ask! 

Application Procedure

To apply, please send 1) a cover letter detailing your interest, qualifications, and related experiences and 2) a current CV addressed to Dr. Lindsay Rose Russell (Director, Center for Writing Studies) at Applications are due no later than 11:59pm on Monday, March 10th

Contact Information

Finola McMahon