Academic, Social, and Financial
- The opportunity to strengthen technical writing skills
- An opportunity to meet and network with other students who have similar interests, needs, and academic goals
- Early familiarization with the University of Illinois campus administration
- An introduction to the Graduate College and the Graduate College administration
- Networking and scholarship activities that support academic career development
- Travel to and from the Summer Predoctoral Programs
- On campus housing and meals
- Summer Stipend
SPI also includes:
- Engage in research under the guidance of an experienced researcher in your respective discipline
- Explore a topic that may lead to a dissertation topic or an article for publication
Acclimation to Graduate School
The SPP encourages acclimation to the Illinois campus, the participant's respective department, graduate school culture, and the requirements of the participant's specific discipline. If you are admitted to SPP, you will become acquainted with graduate life on the Illinois campus by:
- Meeting and working with faculty and advisors in your home department
- Becoming familiar with the demands of your discipline prior to the start of the fall semester
- Interacting with your peers within the academic community
- Participating in seminars that address topics such as:
- Graduate school funding
- Financial management
- Understanding the research process
- Publishing and presenting research