Graduate College News 2016 Research Live! Finalists Announced

2016 Research Live! Finalists Announced

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The scores are in! After two days of preliminary presentations, 14 graduate students were selected to proceed to the final round of the 2016 Research Live! competition on Tuesday, November 15 from 4 – 6 p.m.

Come to Stage 5 at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts to see these 14 finalists explain their graduate work to a general audience in 3 minutes with only 2 slides. A panel of judges will determine who takes the First, Second, and Third Prize. Attendees vote for the People’s Choice winner. This event is free and open to the public.

The 2016 Research Live! finalists are:

Arif Abdullah, Mechanical Engineering, "Mimicking Venus Flytrap: Autonomous Structures That Sense and Respond"

Christina Bronson-Lowe, Speech & Hearing Science, "Complexity and oral motor learning: a path to better treatment of swallowing disorders?"

Kamalika Chatterjee, Mechanical Engineering, "Studying mechanical deformation of aircraft materials: Have a safe flight!"

Kyung Yun Choi, Aerospace Engineering, "Impact Resistant Prosthetic Hand: The Soft Overcomes The hard"

William Davies, Mechanical Engineering, "Condensation on an Inclination"

Jessica Hekman, Animal Sciences, "Domestication comes in on little feet -- like, microscopic ones"

Vaibhav Karve, Mathematics, "Recognizing patterns in New York taxi traffic"

Janelle Mapes, Molecular & Integrative Physiology, "What Makes Breast Cancer Cells Grow?"

Jamie Pearson, Special Education, "'You Need to Keep Those Kids Quiet': Autism in African American Communities"

Widya Aulia Ramadhani, Architecture, "Please Remove Shoes: The Relation of Shoes Removal Practice, Transitional Space, and Human Health"

Ritu Raman, Mechanical Engineering, "Bio-Bots: Building Beyond Biology"

Jessica Saw, Molecular & Integrative Physiology, "Urinary Stones: A Product of Dynamic Interactions Between the Microbiome and Mineral Precipitation"

Lisa Schlein, Pathobiology, "A Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Brain Cancer"

S.K. (Kayleigh) Van Poolen, Library & Information Science, "Started with a Hurricane Named Katrina"

For more information about Research Live!, visit the Graduate College website at