Graduate College News Image of Research 2016: Semi-Finalists Announced

Image of Research 2016: Semi-Finalists Announced

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Please join us in congratulating the semi-finalists for the 2016 Image of Research!  Come to the reception on Wednesday, April 6 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in room 104 of the Illini Union to view their entries and to vote for the People’s Choice award. Click on the name of any submission below to see the image and research description.

Maksym Bobrovskyy (Microbiology), In Light of Bacteria
Cynthia Renae Booker (Theater), Uncovering Passion
Claire Butkus (Veterinary Medicine), A Different Type of Collaboration
Akiceri Alejandra Carrillo-Estrada (School of Art and Design - Metals Program), Weaving through Technology
Gaurav Chaudhary, Michael Ye, and Randy Ewoldt (Mechanical Science and Engineering), Bioluminescent Galaxy
Kyung Yun Choi (Aerospace Engineering), Soft Interaction Beyond the Touchscreen
David Scott Douglas (Landscape Architecture), Interstate Interventions, the Productive Interchange of the Future
Mohamed Elhebeary (Mechanical Science and Engineering), Take a Closer Look!
Tyler Earnest (Physics), Building Ribosomes from Computational LEGO
Kristen Ann Ehrenberger (Medical Scholars Program/History), Inside My Insides
Joshua Grolman (Materials Science and Engineering), Synthetic Tumor Galaxies
Lauren Hansen (Germanic Languages and Literatures), Bridges or Borders?: The Foggy Struggle for Human Rights and National Sovereignty in the European Union
Jamila Hedhli (Bioengineering), Tom-and-Diabetic-Jerry
Michael J. Junokas (Informatics), Exposing the Body: The Fusion of Movement Aesthetics and Analysis
Maryam Khademian (Microbiology), A Pinch of Salt and Imagination
Adam Kriska (Food Science & Human Nutrition), Visualizing Colon Cancer
Aaron Laniosz (Architecture), The Circadian Light Table
Jean Larmon (Anthropology), More Than Meets the Eye: Cathodoluminescence Analysis of a Fossil Tooth
Christina McNealy (Art & Design – Metals), Before Her Time
Alex Park (Crop Science), A Woman Works Alone
Nora Sadik (Environmental Engineering), Playing at the Spring
Josh Smith (Nutritional Sciences), The Creation of Adam in Situ
Dora Valkanova (Institute of Communications Research), Plugged-In at O’Hare: Reading Processes of Globalization Through Chicago’s International Airport
Madeleine VanMiddlesworth (Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences), The Hidden Hitchhiker
Jessie Young (Dance), Descend Sky

You can view a full gallery of the semi-finalists online. 

For more information about The Image of Research, see the web at:

The Image of Research is organized by the Scholarly Commons of the University Library and the Graduate College and is supported by a generous gift to the Scholarly Commons from the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics