The Graduate College Grievance Policy Section III.B directs the Dean of the Graduate College to approve written departmental grievance policies. The procedure for this is as follows:
- Submission of the written Department Grievance policy to the Graduate College for review.
- Initial Review will be completed by an Assistant or Associate Dean of the Graduate College to determine the degree of variation form Graduate College policy.
- If the changes or variations are determined to be minor, the Assistant or Associate Dean will make recommendation to approve to the Dean.
- If the changes or revisions are determined to be major, then a subcommittee of the Executive Committee will be convened to review the policy, and the subcommittee will make recommendations to the Dean.
- If the Dean reviews the recommendations and the department policy and determines that the changes or revisions are not acceptable, the Dean makes recommendations to the department for revisions.
- When the Dean reviews the department policy and determines that the changes or variations are acceptable, the Dean approves the policy.
- The Executive Committee will be notified of the approval of the written department policy. The notification will be part of the minutes of the Executive Committee.
- The Department will be notified that the policy is approved.
- The policy will be posted to the Graduate College web site as an official copy of the departmental policy.
September 1, 2011
Resources for developing grievance policies:
Grievance Policies Key Principles
Resources for Grievance Policies and their Development