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Resume and Application Statements

Resume / Curriculum Vitae

Most graduate programs require a resume or curriculum vitae.

Academic Statements

All applicants will be expected to upload an academic statement. The length of these statements is chosen by your proposed program of study and range from 500 to 1000 words maximum.

Most research-focused programs require students to answer the following prompts in this statement:

  • How has your academic background, including any training, research, or other educational experiences, prepared you for graduate study?
  • What are your intellectual interests, and what scholarly questions are you interested in exploring in graduate study?
  • Are there any specific faculty members whose research interests align with your own with whom you would like to work?
  • How will our program help you achieve your academic and professional goals?

Most professional-focused programs require students to answer the following prompts in this statement:

  • How has your academic and professional background, including any professional training, prepared you for graduate study?
  • How will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals?
  • What are your academic interests, and why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in this specific program?

Personal Statements

All applicants are presented with a series of short-answer personal statement essay questions. Each essay has a 250 word maximum. Questions 1-2 are required from all applicants, while questions 3-4 are optional (your response is voluntary and not answering these questions will not affect your admissions decision). 

Question #1: Please describe pivotal experiences, opportunities, and/or challenges (including any financial or access barriers) that have influenced your educational and professional development.

Question #2: At Illinois, we value a student’s ability to contribute to a community of inclusion, belonging, and respect where our graduate students can learn and collaborate productively and positively. Please provide an example of how you contributed to or engaged with a community of students or colleagues with different perspectives, abilities, and experiences to achieve a positive outcome, and reflect on what you learned from this experience.

Question #3: If you believe that your academic record does not demonstrate your true capabilities, please explain why. You may also discuss any gaps in your academic and professional experience.

Question #4: If there is something that you would like to share with the admissions committee that you have yet to discuss in other areas of the application, please do so here. If needed, you may also use this space to expand upon the topics discussed in the above essays.

AI Guidance

Applicants are expected to write authentic responses to these prompts. While AI and search engine services can provide guidance and suggestions, admissions committees are looking for your unique experiences and perspectives. Responses generated exclusively by AI should not be submitted.

Additional Materials

Some programs require additional materials such as a writing sample, research statement, or specific program essay. These requirements will be outlined in the online application, but you should visit your proposed program of study's web site to help you prepare these documents.