Graduate College Academics Degree Audit Tool FAQ

Degree Audit Tool FAQ

Degree Audit Tool System Access

Visit this link and use your Illinois NetID and password.

Some faculty have access to view audits, but some do not. Your program office does have access to see student audits.

Access to the system must be requested from the Unit Security Contact (USC) in your disciplinary college. Contact your college USC for instructions. Before your USC can grant access, the person requesting access needs to have completed FERPA training within at least the last 5 years. The FERPA Tutorial is online.

Audit Lingo

Catalog Term or Year refers to the semester the student started the program that is being audited. This determines which set of requirements are applied in the audit, if there have been changes to the curriculum.

A What-If audit allows you to apply your coursework to a different degree program. For example, What-If I want to earn a master’s degree on my way to the PhD degree?

Sub-groups are the degree requirements.

How to...

Click on the Audits drop-down menu in the tool bar at the top of the page and select Manage. A list of the audits run in the last two weeks will show. Click View Audit on the one you want to see. 

The two charts on the left are cumulative totals. Click twice on the horizontal bar chart under "categories" to drill down to see hours completion status and GPA by program requirement.

To run a What-If audit, click Select a Different Program, instead of running your declared program. 

School:  Choose UKS -GRD 

Program: Select the program from the list of graduate programs (Joint Degrees can all be found under J)

Catalog Year: Choose the semester you will begin the program

Then click Run the Different Program

The format is 6 characters and 3 numbers. For the 6 characters, type in the course rubric/subject in capital letters, then use spaces to total 6 characters. After that enter the three digit course number. Example are:





An exception is a change to a degree requirement that is approved by the academic program. Usually this is in the form of a substitute course or activity or waiving a course or activity for an individual student due to their education or experience.

Contact your department to have the exception added to your audit.

Registration activity is updated in the audit system overnight, so changes won't be reflected in an audit until the next day. In addition, the audit does not refresh when you log in to the system. It is always a good idea to refresh the audit when you first log in to the system to see the most up-to-date information.

Why does/doesn't this show on my audit?

Registration activity is updated in the audit system overnight, so changes won't be reflected in an audit until the next day. In addition, the audit does not refresh when you log in to the system. It is always a good idea to refresh the audit when you first log in to the system to see the most up-to-date information.

If you took the English Placement Test (EPT) on campus, your audit will show your scores and the courses that are required or recommended to be taken as a result. Required courses must be taken in order to gain full status and graduate.  If you took other ESL courses that were not required or recommended as a result of your EPT, they are displayed in a  separate ESL section of your audit.  If you took the EPT, but your audit doesn't show your scores, it could be that your scores were not received by the Graduate College. Please contact your department to determine what is required for you to take and have the scores added to your audit.

Some courses are not allowed to be repeated for credit. If the Course Catalog entry does not indicate the course is repeatable, then no additional credit will be awarded after the course is taken once. These courses are marked with >I, >D or >- notations in the audit. Contact your department to seek an exception to the course repeatability rules if appropriate.

Graduate concentrations and minors should appear on your degree audit. If they don’t, contact your department to see if you have completed the appropriate petition type to add the credential to your academic record.

Not all hours taken may be applied to your degree requirements. Undergraduate course credit is an example. Excess coursework, such as 599 is another example. Most programs limit the number of hours of 599 that may be applied to the degree.

The graduate audit only shows graduate work completed at Illinois. If you were an undergraduate at Illinois, you can run a What-If audit to see your undergraduate program audit.