Graduate College Admissions Quick Guide Training Requirements & Opportunities

Training Requirements & Opportunities

SOS for Higher Ed

Your mental health, individual wellness, and collective well-being are important to your success at Illinois. Transitioning to graduate school is exciting, but it can also leave you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or even scared. Left unchecked, these feelings can escalate leading to more serious conditions.

The Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act requires SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students training for all incoming freshmen, first-year transfer students, and incoming graduate students to help you recognize signs of mental health distress in yourself and others, encourage someone to seek help, build stronger connections with your peers, and foster positive mental well-being.  Information is provided through a 30-minute, self-guided online training program.

The following link will take you directly to the training in your Canvas account: SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students

Questions can be directed to

Sexual Assault Prevention (required for everyone)

The University’s Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy requires all incoming, returning, and transfer students, as well as all faculty and staff, to be regularly educated on discrimination and harassment prevention, sexual violence, and reporting options and obligations. New students are required to complete training before or early in their first semester. All returning students are provided training materials and encouraged to review those materials each academic year. 

For students starting in the Fall: Detailed instructions on how to access and complete the program will be provided by email to your Illinois email account early in the fall. New students can also self-register to complete the training. See details including how to self-register on the We Care website.

For students starting in the Spring: If you are a new student in the Spring semester, detailed instructions on how to access and complete the program will be provided by email to your Illinois email account. Self-registration will not be available in the Spring semester.

Read more about Sexual Assault Prevention Training and the U of I System Statement on Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct.

If you have questions accessing the training or questions, please contact

Illinois Mandatory Ethics Training (required of all graduate assistants)

All state public university employees are required to complete the OEIG-approved annual ethics training program for University employees.

Graduate assistants will receive an email at their official university account, prompting them to complete their training.

Regulatory Compliance & Safety

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research provides programs and services to help faculty, staff, and students meet the ethical and regulatory requirements for the responsible conduct of research. Many individuals are required to complete training provided based on the nature of their research (e.g. animal care and use, human subject use, laboratory and research safety, etc.) as well as laboratory specific training. Individual training requirements vary by field of study.

Check with your program to find out what training you may need to complete.