Graduate College Funding Tuition Waiver Guide

Tuition Waiver Guide



Designated to waive either all tuition (full rate) or only the in-state portion (base rate).

SELF-SUPPORTING PROGRAMS (or Cost-Recovery, which was an earlier designation).  
ASSISTANTSHIP (TA, RA, GA, PGA) for at least 3/4 of term (91-Day Rule).*under 25%Tuition not waivedAssistantship not permitted
25% to 67%Tuition waived  
over 67%Tuition not waived  
FELLOWSHIP Has no work expectation. Fellowship stipends are disbursed monthly by GC to student.Stipend $10K or more for 9 monthsStipend allowed and tuition waivedStipend allowed. Tuition not waived, but any cost-of-education allowance can be used toward tuition.
Stipend under $10KStipend allowed, but tuition not waived  
TUITION SCHOLARSHIPTuition not waivedTuition not waived, but scholarship can be used toward tutition 
GRADUATE HOURLY EMPLOYMENTTuition not waivedTuition not waived 
STAND ALONE TUITION WAIVER Issued by program's college. Has no work expectation.Tuition waivedNot permitted 
STATUTORY TUITION WAIVER See note below for list.Tuition waived  
CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT for at least 3/4 of termunder 50%Tuition not waivedTuition not waived
50% and overTuition waived  
ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT for at least 3/4 of termunder 25%Tuition not waived 
25% and overTuition waived  

When a student is hired on an assistantship by a unit outside of the student's academic college, the student will still receive a waiver but some programs require reimbursement from the hiring unit.

Multiple base rate waivers cannot be combined to waive more than base rate.

See the Office of Business & Finance for more information regarding the tax implications of scholarships, fellowships and other educational assistance grants.

* See 91-Day Rule