Graduate College Postdoctoral Scholars New Postdoctoral Scholars

New Postdoctoral Scholars

Welcome to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! Postdoctoral scholars are important members of our university community, generating new ideas and making important research discoveries.

To help enrich your experience at Illinois, the Graduate College serves as a resource for you and your faculty mentor. We coordinate and provide career and professional development opportunities to expand your skills during your postdoc and to help you prepare for your future career.

As you relocate to Champaign-Urbana, here is helpful information about housing and transportation resources and tips for getting to know Champaign-Urbana.

The getting started checklist is a helpful tool for navigating your first weeks at Illinois. Creating a plan can be a good way to begin a successful postdoc experience.

We wish you much success during your time at Illinois.