
After the interview, take between 15-30 minutes to think about how it went. Consider writing or typing out notes while things are still fresh in your head so you do not have to rely on memory later. These notes will help you better assess your level of interest in the position and prepare for future interviews.

Here are some recommended questions to ask yourself for interview reflection:

  • What questions did they ask?
  • How did I answer? What stories did I tell?
  • What seemed to matter to them?
  • Did I learn anything new about the position? About the employer?
  • What was the vibe like? How did the interview "feel?"
  • If asked to another interview, what would I want to emphasize in the next stage?

For more advice on post-interview reflection, read What to Do Immediately After an Interview.

Always send a thank you note to your interviewers to convey your appreciation for their consideration and reiterate your interest in the opportunity. This is a small but impactful gesture in the interview process.

Here are some general tips:

  • Send your notes in a timely manner, ideally within two days of the interview.
  • Email is appropriate, and typically the best way to guarantee your note will arrive in a timely manner. If you prefer to send a handwritten thank you note, consider sending an email and a mailed letter.
  • Send a note to everyone who interviewed you or had a meaningful interaction with. If you do not have contact information for everyone, try researching online or asking your main point of contact at the organization. You can also include them by name in your thank you note to your main contact. For example, "Please extend my thanks to Dr. Lee and Ms. Brown for taking the time to speak with me."
  • Personalize your note by addressing something specific from your interview. For example, mention something you learned during the interview that makes the position or company desirable to reiterate your interest.
  • Be brief and positive. You may include additional information about yourself or clarify an issue that was not adequately addressed while interviewing.

If you return from an interview certain that you do not want this position, you can send a note to politely inform them that you have determined you are not interested. For example, "Thank you again for the opportunity to interview. At this time, I have decided to withdraw from consideration for the position."

During your interview, it is a good practice to ask when you should expect to hear back from them. If you have not heard anything after this time, you may follow up with a polite communication restating your interest in the position and inquiring about the status of the search. If no timeline was offered, two weeks is considered an acceptable amount of time to wait before following up. Remain professional at all times and follow-up only once.