Graduate College Professional Development Salary Research Requirements

Salary Research Requirements

Whether you are exploring possible career paths or negotiating a job offer, it can be useful to know what salaries are typical in various roles and fields. Below you will find some resources that will help you do your research. Make sure to keep cost of living in mind as you investigate and compare salaries.

General Salary Research Resources

  • Occupational Outlook Handbook: Search or browse this Bureau of Labor Statistics website to find information on median pay, projected job growth, and other career information.
  • NACE Salary Calculator: From the National Association of Colleges and Employers, this tool provides salary information based on education level, years of experience in the field, and location.
  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Browse annual pay tables for government positions based on region, grade, and step.
  • MoneyGeek's Guide to Negotiating Salary: Ten steps to negotiating salary, including nine questions to consider when deciding how much to ask for.

Salary Research Resources for Faculty Jobs

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education: Browse or search the tables for average faculty salaries based on institution, state, or sector.
  • Higher Ed Jobs: Collection of salary surveys from the College and University Association for Human Resources and the American Association of University Professors.