This deposit checklist is designed to remind you of the required steps for depositing your thesis.
Beginning of the Semester
- Format your thesis according to departmental and Graduate College requirements.
- Note the Graduate College deadlines.
- Apply for graduation through your Student Self-Service account.
- Submit your title page to the Thesis Office for review through this link.
- Check out the Graduate College's Completing your Degree page to help you prepare for graduation.
- Doctoral students: Complete the required surveys. We recommend doing so before you submit your thesis to the Graduate College.
- Doctoral Exit Survey
- SED Survey (PhD and JSD students only)
Departmental Approval
- Doctoral students: Defend your thesis.
- Master's students: Check with your department regarding policies and procedures.
- Work with your department to complete and submit the Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) form.
- Arrange for a format review with your department.
- Learn about the thesis release options, which determine the visibility of your work in IDEALS, the University's repository.
Deposit Process
- Submit your thesis as a single PDF to the Graduate College through the online submission system.
- Make sure to upload any copyright permission letters (if needed) with your thesis submission.
- Check your email and complete all corrections requested by the Thesis Office.
The Thesis Office will notify you by email when your deposit is complete. All corrections and additional materials must be received in satisfactory condition by the Thesis Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline for your intended graduation period. - Pay the deposit fee, which will appear in your Self-Service account shortly after your deposit is complete.
- Review the Post-deposit Considerations page.
- Register for the doctoral hooding ceremony or the commencement ceremony if you plan to participate.