The thesis or dissertation file must be submitted electronically for Graduate College review. Required supporting items should be submitted as described below.
Remember: Thesis deposit is not complete until
- all corrections requested by the Graduate College Thesis Office have been completed and approved
- AND all supporting materials required for the deposit have been submitted in satisfactory condition.
All corrections and supporting materials must be approved by the Thesis Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline for the intended graduation period.
Materials Required for a Master's Thesis Deposit
Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) Form
Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) form. This form must be completely filled out and signed. Please submit your request for a Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) form through the Graduate College student portal. After your TDA form is signed, it should be submitted electronically by authorized faculty/staff in the department via the appropriate secured link on the Graduate College website.
IDEALS Deposit Agreement
See the Release Options page for a detailed overview of the IDEALS release options and license text. You will agree to the IDEALS license agreement during step 2 of the thesis submission process.
Copyright Permission Letters (If Applicable)
The author determines if letters granting permission to reprint copyrighted material are needed. If so, there will be an opportunity to upload them with your submission. If you need to send them separately, please email them to For more information about this item, see the Copyright Tools page.
Materials Required for a Doctoral Dissertation Deposit
Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) Form
This form must be completely filled out and signed. Please use the pre-filled form that was sent to your department when your final exam committee was appointed. This form should be submitted electronically by authorized faculty/staff in the department via the appropriate secured link on the Graduate College website.
IDEALS Deposit Agreement
See the Release Options page for a detailed overview of the IDEALS release options and license text. You will agree to the IDEALS license agreement during step 2 of the thesis submission process.
Doctoral Exit Survey
The Doctoral Exit Survey is required for all doctoral students. Upon completion, the Thesis Office will be notified automatically. However, please retain your certificate of completion as evidence that you have completed this requirement. The average amount of time required to complete the Doctoral Exit Survey is about 10 to 15 minutes.
Survey of Earned Doctorates
After you complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates, the Thesis Office will be copied on the email with your certificate of completion. However, please retain your certificate of completion as evidence that you have completed this requirement. The average amount of time required to complete the SED is about 20 minutes. The SED is not required for dissertations submitted for the Ed.D. and D.M.A. degrees.
Copyright Permission Letters (If Applicable)
The author determines if letters granting permission to reprint copyrighted material are needed. If so, there will be an opportunity to upload them with your submission. If you need to send them separately, please email them to For more information about this item, see the Copyright Tools page.
Optional material for a doctoral dissertation deposit
ProQuest publishing agreement (optional). During the thesis submission process, doctoral students may opt to have the Graduate College transfer a copy to ProQuest. ProQuest provides non-exclusive distribution via the ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Database. Please review the Release Options page for an overview of the ProQuest publishing and release options. Students who wish to send their dissertation to ProQuest should agree to the ProQuest publishing agreement during step 2 of the thesis submission process. Note: Paper agreements are no longer accepted.