Graduate College Faculty & Staff Communications For Faculty and Staff

Communications for Faculty and Staff

How to Receive Communications from the Graduate College

Email lists for Executive Officers, Directors of Graduate Study, and Graduate Program Contacts

Faculty and staff with authorized roles in the Roles and Access Manager will automatically be added to our email distribution lists for their respective role. These lists do not have subscribe/unsubscribe options. If stepping down from a role, once your department approves the change in the Roles and Access Manager, you will be removed from the list.

It is common that there are additional staff for whom it would be beneficial to receive Graduate College communications, even though they are not serving in an authorized role. These staff can be added via the Roles and Access Manager as "Contacts Additional" or "DGS additional". 

Roles and Access Manager

Email list for Graduate Faculty

Graduate Faculty are automatically added to the Graduate Faculty distribution list.

Grad-ed: a list for faculty and staff to share information

The email list,, connects the large community of faculty and staff who support and deliver graduate education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It is a moderated list that allows sharing by faculty and staff of relevant information among this community.



GradMENTOR Newsletter

GradMENTOR is distributed monthly to graduate faculty, instructors of graduate-level courses, postdocs, and department contacts who work with graduate students. It shares posts from the GradMENTOR blog as well as timely information about resources and events for graduate mentors. We update the list after the 10th day in fall and spring, but anyone can subscribe/unsubscribe at any time. Read the latest issue

