Graduate College Faculty & Staff Roles and Authorization

Roles and Authorization

Understanding Roles and Authorization

The Executive Officer for a unit, typically the head of the department, designates Authorized Signatories using the Graduate College Roles & Access Manager.

An Authorized Signatory for a unit can sign one or more of the types of forms listed below, depending on which roles they have been assigned. Roles include Director of Graduate Study (DGS), Graduate Program Contact, Graduate Admissions Contacts, and Departmental Degree Certifiers. Please note that role assignments are for the entire academic year, August to July and may require training. Graduate Programs are contacted in August to update roles for their unit. To see who in your unit serves in these roles, login to the Graduate College Roles and Access Manager at the link below.

Forms requiring an Authorized Signatory:

  • Re-Entry and Petitions for Exceptions to Graduate College Policy
  • Records, including Transfer of Credit, Curriculum Change, Change of Level
  • Registration, including Withdrawal/Cancellation and Late Registration and Course Change forms & Registration in GC 599 and In Absentia
  • Doctoral Examination Committee Requests
  • Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) and Doctoral Exam Result (PER/FER) forms
  • Rating Forms for Fellowships and Traineeships

At the beginning of each academic year, the Graduate College asks units update their Graduate College Authorized Signature Forms to ensure that the correct individuals are allowed to authorize approvals and complete activities for your unit. 

Using the Graduate College Roles & Access Manager

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate College at 217-333-0035 or

Mid-year Additions/Removals/Replacements

In addition to this annual update, roles or authorizers may change at any point during the year. When changes occur:

  • Log in to the Roles & Access Manager
  • Nominate the new individual for their required roles
  • The Executive officer must approve the nomination
  • The Executive officer must end previous roles for individuals who are no longer in those roles

GC Roles and Access Manager

NOTE: In most cases, if you have signed a form already as the advisor, another authorized signatory must sign as the department signatory.