Graduate students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations in order to receive equal access to their academic environment should register with Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) in order to receive accommodations. While academic accommodations is the primary mission of DRES, registered DRES students receive access to additional resources such as mental health counseling, disability support, career services, and other supports.
Support services include:
- a testing accommodation center
- text conversion services
- video captioning services
- fixed route transportation services
- physical therapy
- compensatory strategies support
- individual therapy
- case management
- executive skills coaching
- support groups
- career services
- an academic lab
In addition, students can learn to use various types of assistive technology to help in their academics.
To obtain disability related accommodations and services through DRES, students can apply online on the DRES site and then submit appropriate documentation by uploading with their application or via mail or fax.
The DRES fax number is 217-244-0014 and the mailing address is 1207 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820. For questions, please contact DRES by phone at 217-333-1970 or by e-mail at