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Dissertation Travel Grant Budget Worksheet

Guidelines and Tips for Completion

Please refer to the "Award Amount" section in the relevant Dissertation Travel Grant listing in the Fellowship Finder database for details on allowance and unallowable expenses. 
The budget worksheet should contain the dates of travel and specify the amounts and categories up to $5,000, detailing and justifying expenses using estimated actual costs. Do not use per diem calculations. Indicate the source of the budget estimates (travel agency, Internet travel site, etc.).
The Worksheet provides space for up to two destinations. If requesting travel to more than two locations, use a second Worksheet.
In addition to the Budget Worksheet, nominees should include a brief budget justification narrative (1/2 page) to provide a rationale for specific expenses as well as the estimated amounts.
For particular expenses, use the following guidelines:
  • Travel Expenses:  List all proposed dates of travel and destinations, specifying the cost of travel for locations for which grant funds are being sought. Grant funds can be sought for travel to the destination and within the destination  if needed for the research. Travel expenses may include airfare, train fare, rental car and gas, or mileage for personal car.
    • If requesting funds for use of personal car, students may either use an estimated gasoline cost or use the University mileage rate found here.  
    • If requesting funds for rental car, students may request the cost of rental and estimated gasoline cost.
  • Lodging expenses:  List estimated actual cost for lodging expenses for researcher only that will be incurred during the research. Do not use per diem estimates.
  • Meal expenses:  List estimated actual cost for meals expenses for researcher only that will be incurred during the research. Do not use per diem estimates.
  • Other expenses: 
    • If appropriate, the cost of insurance may be included (students must purchase insurance through the Study Abroad office if not traveling to their country of residence for the research).
    • Immunizations – documentation must be included that the immunizations are required for travel.
    • Visa fees.
    • Entrance fees (e.g. events, museums, archives).
  • Source for Estimates:  For each expense, include the source for used for the estimated expense (Internet site, travel agent, estimate based on previous travel).

Questions may be directed to the Graduate College Fellowship Office at or 217-333-0036.

Related Materials (Excel spreadsheets)

DTG Budget Worksheet