Main Text

Refer to either the Sample (Straight Numbering) or Sample (Decimal Numbering) pages as you read through the following section.


  • For every page in the thesis, margins must be a minimum of (but may be greater than) 1 inch on all sides.
  • Theses with any material (other than page numbers) extending into the 1-inch margin on one or more sides will not be accepted for deposit.


  • Font size for body text may be from 10- to 12-point and should remain consistent throughout the front matter and main text and must be easily legible.
  • Font size and type may differ for footnotes, figure captions, table data, references, and material in an appendix and may be as small as 7-point.
  • Script and ornamental fonts will not be accepted.

Line Spacing

  • Spacing of the body text may be from 1.5 lines to Double and must remain consistent throughout the main text.
  • Single-spacing within the main text is allowed for titles, headings, footnotes, endnotes, references, lengthy quotations, bulleted or numbered lists, figure or table captions, or material in an appendix.


  • All pages (other than title page and optional copyright page) must display page numbers.
  • Pages prior to the main text should be numbered with Roman numerals (beginning with the abstract as page ii).
  • Pages in the rest of the thesis should be numbered with Arabic numerals (beginning with 1 and continuing through the end of the document).
  • Page numbers must be placed at least half an inch from the edge of the page.
  • Each chapter or chapter equivalent must begin on a new page.
  • There should be no completely blank pages in the text.