Thesis Submission FAQs

You should only submit your thesis for review by the Graduate College Thesis Office AFTER

  • your defense has occurred (if relevant),
  • your advisor and/or committee has approved the final version of your thesis, and
  • you have made all corrections requested by your departmental thesis reviewer.

No. You should submit your thesis to the Graduate College only after you have made all revisions and corrections requested by your adviser/committee and departmental thesis format reviewer and have proofread your work carefully. The Thesis Office will not review your submission until we have received notification of departmental approval. In most cases, format reviews will be performed within two or fewer business days of the latter of either (a) submission of the electronic document or (b) confirmation of departmental approval.

Your deposit must be completed by the deadline for your intended graduation period. (Deposit deadlines are listed here.) This means that ALL corrections and additional required materials must be received by the Graduate College Thesis Office no later than 5:00 p.m. C.T. on the day of the deposit deadline. Because further revision of the thesis may be required as a result of the Thesis Office's review, the Graduate College strongly recommends that students submit the departmentally approved thesis at least one week in advance of the deposit deadline in order to ensure themselves enough time to complete any required changes.

Upon final deposit, the thesis becomes part of the student’s academic record. No changes may be made to the thesis or dissertation after it has been accepted by the Graduate College Thesis Office.

Links to the required supporting items are available here.

Your deposit will be confirmed in an email from the Graduate College Thesis Office after a correctly formatted thesis has been accepted and all required additional materials have been received.

It generally takes 1-2 business days for the Thesis Office to review your thesis. During the busy deposit periods, it could take more time. You will be notified via email once your document has been reviewed.