Graduate College Funding Fellowships Fellowship Competitions Graduate Student Emergency Grants

Graduate Student Emergency Grants

Emergency grants of up to $500 may be available to graduate students to help relieve acute, unexpected problems that are of a short-term nature. Emergency grants are extremely limited and may not always be available.

The applicant must be a student from the Urbana-Champaign campus who is registered in a graduate degree program and is considered by his/her department to have full-time status.

Emergency grants are funded by the Student Equal Access to Learning (SEAL) Fee and are only available to students who have been assessed that fee in the term in which the request is made. 

For students taking out federal education loans, an emergency grant will be applied toward their Cost of Attendance (COA).  This means that students who have already reached their COA are ineligible for an emergency grant.

No student will be awarded more than one emergency grant per 12-month period.

In its review, the Graduate College will take into account the applicant's financial situation, the nature of the problem that has prompted the request for emergency support, and the applicant’s efforts thus far to resolve the problem.


Graduate College Emergency Grant Application Form

If you have questions, contact the Fellowships Office at