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Thesis & Dissertation

Welcome to the Thesis Office! If you are in a program that requires the completion of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation, we have the resources and information to help you successfully complete your deposit with the Graduate College.

Each deposit period has firm deadlines by which students must apply for graduation, take the doctoral final examination, and deposit the thesis. And it may take several days for the Thesis Office to review and approve your thesis for deposit. Save yourself the stress of a last-minute thesis submission and start planning now! The Thesis Office can direct you to resources and provide support for each stage of the thesis process:

Stage 1: Development

Research, write, and repeat

  • Find writing and research support
  • Make use of copyright tools
  • Become familiar with Graduate College format requirements

Stage 2: Departmental approval

Are you ready to defend?

  • Be aware of important deadlines
  • File your title page
  • Get ready to defend your thesis
  • Review release options
  • Obtain departmental approval

Stage 3: Graduate College approval

Prepare for your deposit

  • Prepare your submission
  • Submit your thesis for Graduate College review
  • Complete your deposit


Contact us

Phone: 217-333-6278
Fax: 217-333-8019