Organizing Your Thesis
The links below will direct you to the Graduate College thesis requirements and templates to further guide you in formatting your thesis. When organizing your thesis, be sure to follow the required order, which is shown below.
We also offer basic full-document templates to help you begin formatting your work. You may adapt these templates to fit your needs. If you have issues with formatting your document, please visit our Formatting Tutorials page to access written and video tutorials.
Sample Pages
Video Library
Thesis Elements
Document Order (Required)
Required Order | Page Numbering |
1. Copyright Page (optional) | No page number |
2. Title Page | |
3. Abstract | Lower case Roman numerals beginning with "ii" |
4. Acknowledgements and/or Dedication Page (optional) | |
5. Table of Contents (required) and List of Tables and Figures (optional) | |
6. Main Text and Figures, tables, or other illustrative material | Arabic numerals beginning with "1" |
7. Bibliography or References | |
8. Appendix or Appendices (optional) |
Copyright Page (Optional)
If included, the copyright page is an unnumbered page at the beginning of the thesis.
The copyright notice should be centered horizontally and vertically on the page in the following format:
Copyright (year of degree conferral) (name of student as it appears on title page)
Example: Copyright 2025 Jane Doe
Title Page (Required)
General Requirements
- The margins should be 1 inch on all sides of the page.
- All font should be either 10 pt. or 12 pt.
- There should be no page number anywhere on the page.
- Do not use boldface type on the title page.
- The following items should be in all CAPS: title, BY, your name, and either THESIS (for master's thesis) or DISSERTATION (for doctoral dissertations).
Your Name
Your first and last name on your title page should match what appears in the University's system exactly. Your first name can match either your legal name or your preferred name.
- You can check your name in the University’s system through Student Self-Service.
- If you need to change your first or last name, you can do so by following the process on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
- If you would rather have your preferred name appear on the title page, you can add this through Student Self-Service.
Text Block
The text block beneath THESIS or DISSERTATION should appear as follows:
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of <add earned degree> in <add major>
with a concentration in <add concentration>
with a minor in <add minor>
in the Graduate College of the
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, <add year of degree conferral>
Fill in the details as follows:
- Your earned degree is Master of Science, Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, etc.
- The major must fit entirely onto line 2 of the text block.
- If you have a campus-approved graduate concentration or minor, you will add line(s) 3 and/or 4.
- The list of campus-approved graduate minors can be found here.
- Most students do not have a campus-approved graduate concentration or minor.
- If a concentration or minor cannot be verified by the University’s records, it will not be allowed on the title page.
- The year in line 6 is the year of degree conferral period for which the student will deposit (e.g., if a student deposits in December 2024 for the May 2025 graduation period, the year in the text block should be 2025).
Committee Section
Master's Students
Master’s students will use the heading “Adviser:”, "Advisers:", or “Master’s Committee:”, depending on which is applicable or preferred.
Doctoral Students
- Doctoral students will use the heading “Doctoral Committee:” to list the final examination committee.
- For committees, the committee chair should be listed first, and the director of research should be listed second; all other committee members may be listed in the order preferred by the student or the student’s adviser.
- The committee chair should be indicated by adding a comma and the word “Chair” after the chair’s name. The director of research (if different from chair) should be indicated by adding a comma and the phrase “Director of Research” after the director’s name.
- “Co-Chair” and “Co-Director of Research” designations may be used when applicable.
Faculty Names and Titles
- Faculty members should be listed with their professorial title (i.e., Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, etc.). The professorial title should be spelled in full (do not abbreviate) and listed before the faculty member’s name.
- Please consult the University directory for the titles of University of Illinois faculty members.
- Affiliations should be listed only for committee members who are not University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty (i.e., departmental affiliations should not be listed).
Abstract (Required)
- The abstract must be placed immediately after the title page.
- The page number Roman numeral two (ii) must appear on the first page of the abstract.
- The abstract must be written in English.
- There is no word limit for the abstract.
- No images or footnotes should appear in the abstract.
Acknowledgments and/or Dedication Page (Optional)
- If included, these pages are placed after the abstract and before the Table of Contents.
- They will have Roman numeral page numbers and will not be listed in the Table of Contents.
Table of Contents (Required)
- The Table of Contents is numbered with a Roman numeral page number.
- All entries placed BEFORE the Table of Contents (including the Abstract, Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, etc.) should NOT be included in the Table of Contents.
- All entries that entries that appear AFTER the Table of Contents, (including chapter titles, List of Symbols, Bibliography, Appendix A, etc.) MUST be listed in the Table of Contents.
- Chapter and Appendix titles listed in the Table of Contents must exactly match the wording found in the text and all page numbers must be correct.
- Page numbers must be aligned at or near the right margin of the page.
- Leader dots must be displayed between the final word of each title and the page number.
We strongly encourage you NOT to include additional headings within the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents is meant to be a quick reference for the reader – not to outline the argument of the thesis in detail. If you include headings in your Table of Contents, your review will take additional time.
If you choose to include additional headings, please only include the first level headings within chapters. The wording and page number of each heading will need to match what appears what in the text exactly.
List of Symbols/Abbreviations (Optional)
- If included, the List of Symbols/Abbreviations should be included in the Table of Contents
- The page number should be in Roman numerals
List of Figures/Tables (Not Recommended)
We strongly encourage you NOT to include a List of Figures and/or a List of Tables in the document. With modern formatting practice where figures and tables are included within the chapter text, it is rare that readers will seek out individual figures or tables when reading your thesis. If you include a List of Figures and/or a List of Tables, you will need to include page numbers and leader dots for each item listed. The lists will need to appear after the Table of Contents and be included in the Table of Contents, and the page numbers must be in Roman numerals. Your thesis review will also take additional time.
Main Text (Required)
- All margins must be a minimum of 1 inch on all sides.
- No text (other than page numbers) may extend into the margin.
- Font size for body text may be from 10- to 12-point and should remain consistent throughout the front matter and main text and must be easily legible.
- Font size and type may differ for footnotes, references, and material in an appendix and may be as small as 7-point.
- Script and ornamental fonts will not be accepted.
Line Spacing
- Spacing of the body text may be from 1.5 lines to Double and must remain consistent throughout the main text.
- Single-spacing within the main text is allowed for titles, headings, footnotes, endnotes, references, lengthy quotations, bulleted or numbered lists, figure or table captions, or material in an appendix.
- All body pages must display page numbers.
- Body pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals beginning with 1 and continuing through the end of the document.
- Each chapter or chapter equivalent must begin on a new page.
- There should be no completely blank pages.
Headings within Chapters
- Headings may be distinguished by using different formatting styles (e.g., bold, italics, all CAPS, larger font).
- Headings may be numbered, but this is not required. If headings are numbered, they should be done in the decimal style, in which the first digit corresponds to the chapter number and the digit after the decimal point is the heading number within the chapter.
- Each heading should NOT begin on a new page.
- We recommend leaving a full line of blank space above each heading so that they may be easily distinguished from the main text.
Figures and Tables (Optional)
A thesis may include tables, figures, photographs, musical examples, charts, graphs, line drawings, maps, and other illustrative materials. In addition, a thesis may include statements such as definitions, corollaries, lemmas, theorems, propositions, and schemes. For the following discussion about numbering and placement, these items will be called figures.
Figure Numbering
- Each type of content (figures, tables, etc.) should be numbered independently.
- Figures must be numbered consecutively throughout the entire thesis. Students may choose from one of two options:
- A straight sequence (1, 2, 3, etc.). (Using this method, continue figure numbering from the previous chapter. Do not re-start the numbering at 1.)
- The decimal system (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, etc.), in which the first digit corresponds to the chapter number and the digit after the decimal point is the figure number within the chapter. (Do not number figures by section (e.g., 1.2.1, 1.3.2, or the like. Using this method, figures in Appendix A, B, C, and so forth would be numbered A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, C.1 and so on.)
- Figure captions may be single-spaced and are not required to be set in the same font style or size as that of the main text.
- The font size of figure captions and table data may be as small as 7-point.
- Figure captions should appear on the same page as the figure to which they refer. If a caption continues onto the next page, it will need to have a label such as “Figure # (cont.)".
Figure Placement
- All figures must fit within the minimum 1-inch margins.
- Figures should be placed in the order in which they are numbered.
- If figures are grouped at the end of a chapter or the main text, each figure may be placed on a separate page.
- Figures grouped at the end of a chapter are considered a section, the first page of which should display the appropriate section heading (i.e., “Figures”, “Tables”, “Figures and Tables”, etc.).
- Figures grouped at the end of the main text are considered a chapter, the first page of which should display the appropriate chapter title (i.e., “Figures”, “Tables”, “Figures and Tables”, etc.).
Multiple-Page Figures
- Every page containing part of a multiple-page figure must include at least an abbreviated figure label such as “Figure 2.5 (cont.)”.
- The figure caption is only required to appear once; an abbreviated label may be used on subsequent pages.
Rotated Figures
- Page numbers, headings, captions, and titles may be rotated with the figure.
Bibliography or References (Required)
There is no reference style required by the Graduate College Thesis Office. However, departments may require the use of a reference style that is appropriate to the student’s program of study.
- All theses are required to have either a bibliography or a list of references.
- If placed at the end of the document, the heading Bibliography or References should be formatted in the same style as the chapter headings. However, it should not be labeled “Chapter.”
- In some scientific and engineering disciplines, the references may be placed at the end of each chapter instead of at the end of the thesis.
Appendix or Appendices (Optional)
The appendix is a section that is placed at the end of the thesis and may contain material such as tables, figures, maps, photographs, raw data, , musical examples, interview questions, sample questionnaires, and many other types of material.
- An appendix is considered a chapter equivalent and the appendix title should be formatted like a chapter title.
- Each appendix should have a title that describes what is contained in the appendix.
- Multiple appendices should be numbered A, B, C, and so on. Each appendix should be treated as a separate chapter equivalent and will therefore start on a new page.
- Page numbers used in the appendix must continue from the main text.
- As a best practice, include your IRB approval letter (if applicable) in an appendix.
Supplemental Files (Optional)
Students may upload supplemental files as part of their thesis or dissertation. These files could include: recordings, code, large spreadsheets, interview questions, sample questionnaires, and many other types of material. These files are considered appendix items, and an appendix page must be included as part of the thesis and should be numbered accordingly. This page should include an appendix title, such as “Appendix A: Interview Transcriptions,” and a brief description of the material along with the name of the file in which the material is contained.
As technology continues to advance, we recognize that theses could include websites, podcasts, and other content. We want to work with you on how to best include this work as part of your thesis. Please reach out to us at to discuss options and next steps.
Theses Containing Previously Published Material
It is common practice in research institutions for students to include previously published work in their thesis. The Graduate College recommends that students consult with their committee and department to determine what content should be included and how.
Students should cite previously published material on the first page of the chapter in which the material appears. The citation should acknowledge the previous publication, cites basic bibliographic information, and states that the copyright owner has provided permission to reprint.
Working with Collaborators
In some disciplines, it is common for students to include material derived from a published paper with multiple authors. If you are using material that has been published with collaborators, we strongly recommend that you reach out to these individuals to let them know.
Students should also include a citation that acknowledges the contribution of the other authors, including any figures, tables, or data that were not created by the author.
Students with further questions regarding copyright and the use of previously published material should refer to copyright information and resources.
Notes on Formatting
- The formatting of previously published materials must align with the Graduate College formatting requirements. This means you may renumber and reformat portions of your work.
- The numbering of figures, tables, and headings must be in one of the numbering styles outlined in the sections above.