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Resources for Graduate Contacts

Departmental Contact for graduate student records: The primary contact person representing the graduate program/records office for a program. Our first contact for academic matters and decisions related to students in your unit’s graduate programs.

A Contact is named by the Executive Officer of a unit using the GC Roles and Access Manager.

Training Materials & Workshops

Getting Started

An intro to get you started in your role as a new graduate contact

    Graduate College Training Opportunities

    Opportunities for learning about processes and resources to help you in your role serving graduate students on the Urbana-Champaign campus.

    Slate Enrolled Student Module - Videos and How To Guides

    Faculty/Staff Video Tutorials:

    Faculty/Staff How To Guides:

    Student Video Tutorials:

    Data Resources

    AITS - Campus Data Resources - EDDIE, ViewDirect, Business Objects
    Division of Management Information
    Graduate College Data & Databases

    Graduate Assistantship Resources

    Illinois Human Resources for Graduate Students

    Guidelines for Federal Work Study (FWS) Funded Graduate Assistantships

    Timely Opportunities for Your Students

    Assistantship Clearinghouse
    Conference Travel Awards for Graduate Students
    Fellowship Opportunities
    Student Employment Resources