Every department will have slightly different requirements and priorities, but this checklist should assist in developing a checklist designed specifically for your department.
ISSS Check In
Anchor to heading ISSS Check InInternational students must check in with International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), 432 Student Services Building, 610 East John Street, Champaign. Office hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday; phone is 217-333-1303. Important issues include application for a Social Security Number, attendance at orientation, registration for English Placement Test (EPT) if necessary, and SEVIS program validation. International students must also complete an I-9 Employment Eligibility form through their departments if they are to become employees.
Department Check In
Anchor to heading Department Check InAll students should check in with their department's graduate office upon arrival on campus. Departments may have forms for students to fill out, and may distribute keys or assign mailboxes at this time. Some departments also have their own mandatory orientation programs, in addition to campus-wide orientation. Departments will vary in how and when students receive their teaching assignments. Students on assistantships might need to check in with human resources in the unit that is paying their stipend, and complete the I-9 form.
Information for New Students from the Graduate College
Anchor to heading Information for New Students from the Graduate CollegeThe Quick Guide is an easy resource to give new students information outlining steps to take before they come to campus and about gaining access to campus computing and services. It also gives the link to the Graduate College Handbook.
Anchor to heading AdvisingMany departments require that new students meet with their adviser to plan their program before registering for classes.
Register for Classes
Anchor to heading Register for ClassesRegister online through UI Integrate Self-Service. It is important that all students be registered by the tenth day of classes. Not being registered by the tenth day may jeopardize student loans, insurance coverage, assistantship appointments, and visa status for international students. The Class Schedule, a list of courses currently offered, is available online through Self-Service.
Human Resources
Anchor to heading Human ResourcesMany students, particularly those with assistantships and fellowships, will need to complete payroll information through Human Resources. Departments will provide students with a special login and password to do this. Students will not be paid until information is complete.
Final Official Copies of Transcripts
Anchor to heading Final Official Copies of TranscriptsTranscripts sent during the admission process are often sent before an undergraduate student officially completes the degree and therefore do not show degree conferral. Students must make arrangements for copies of their final official transcripts to be sent to the Graduate and Professional Admissions unit in order to enroll for their second semester of study.