Graduate College Faculty & Staff Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Recruitment Ideas

Reach Out to Potential Applicants

Develop relationships with faculty at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and with students from populations underrepresented in graduate education.

  • Initiate conversations at professional conferences (e.g., visit poster sessions).
  • Present at conferences targeting underrepresented students, such as McNair conferences or the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences.
  • Visit minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and talk with faculty and students about your research and opportunities at U of I. (You may apply for Broadening Participation in Graduate Education funds from the Graduate College).
  • Participate in the Illinois Partners for Diversity Summit.

Call prospective students and personally encourage them to apply to your program. Convey confidence in their ability to thrive in the program, explain why the program is a good fit (e.g., specify projects, faculty, and courses of interest), and outline funding opportunities. Alert Ph.D. and MFA students about application fee waivers.

Serve as a summer mentor to students in the SROP, REU, or McNair programs.

Use the National Name Exchange: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a member of the National Name Exchange Consortium whose goal is to inform students from populations underrepresented in graduate study of the many opportunities to pursue advance degrees. As a member of the consortium, the most talented students are made available to our Illinois graduate programs. Units are emailed lists of eligible students’ names and areas of interest. Units then are encouraged to provide them with information about their programs and encourage them to consider applying to Illinois.

Respond to Competitive Applications 

Call students and notify them of acceptance as soon as possible. 

  • Convey confidence in students’ abilities to thrive in your program.
  • Discuss why the program is a good fit and provide all available funding information.
  • Invite students for a campus visit (see Community of Scholars information).
  • Help students find additional information (e.g., housing, childcare). 
  • Ask a U of I graduate student with similar interests and life circumstances to contact the student.

Follow up with a personalized letter outlining details and next steps.  Again, emphasize program fit.

Pursue funding possibilities on behalf of students (e.g., Graduate College Fellowships).

Stay in touch with students to answer questions and encourage enrollment.

Promote Summer Predoctoral Institute participation among students who enroll in your program.   

What Departments Can Do

Admit underrepresented minority applicants as early as possible.

Invite applicants to visit your department in conjunction with the Community of Scholars Campus Visit Program. Showcase your vibrant community (e.g., hold a reception and/or research symposium).

Utilize National Name Exchange data to identify talented students.

Recognize and reward faculty efforts to broaden participation in graduate education.


Read About the Graduate College's DEI programs