Required of All Graduate Student Petition Requests:
- Completed petition form (accessed through the Graduate Student Portal).
- Current adviser’s comments on petition request.
- Current department authorized comments on petition request.
- Individual types of petitions (outlined below) may require specific information. Please review specific type of petition to identify if other documentation is necessary.
- Petitions may be denied or returned for information if submitted incomplete.
Instructions for Specific Types of Petition Requests
See the Quick Guide for Specific Types of Petition Requests
Late add to degree list
Students must add their name to a pending degree list through Student-Self Service by the published deadline for the specified graduation term that they expect to be awarded their degree. Students who miss this deadline must petition the Graduate College to be late added. The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Explanation of why the student must be added for the specified term (pending job offer for example) (to be provided by student)
- Completed Late Add/Remove to Degree List form
Time Extensions (Expected Graduation Date)
Graduate students are expected to complete all degree requirements within specified periods of time. Students who have reached or exceeded the time limit for the graduate degree cannot continue to register and cannot graduate without Graduate College approval of a Graduate Student Petition requesting an extension of time. Please be sure to refer to the Graduate College Handbook for the policies on time limits for master’s, certificate of advanced study, and doctoral students. Please note that effective Fall 2020, students who have exceeded their time limit for completion of the degree will be placed on academic probation, unless otherwise approved.
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Completed Academic Plan form.
- Comments from student’s adviser and Authorized Departmental Signatory. These comments need to address the timeline that has been provided by the student, length of time that is being requested (up to one academic year), and the academic justification for this exception.
- Students who are petitioning for their initial time extension in a program may be exempted from academic probation if their department requests that they be exempt due to justifiable reasons.
Extensions will be granted for up to one academic year at a time. Subsequent requests for extensions will be evaluated based on substantial progress toward the degree as measured by the timetable and the extenuating circumstances provided.
Graduate students wishing to register for more than 20 hours in a fall or spring semester or more than 12 hours total in the summer term must petition for overload approval. Please note that an academic credit load of 20 hours already represents approximately 60 clock hours of work. Any requests for credit hour overloads must address how a student will complete the academic work during the semester. Any additional time commitments of the student such as an assistantship should also be addressed. Be sure to refer to the Graduate College Handbook for policies.
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Term and year and total hours for which the student would like to register
- Realistic semester schedule of work
- Justification for the overload based on past academic performance provided in the explanation section of the petition
Grade Mode Change after Deadline
After the deadline in the current term or for any past term courses, a petition is required to change the grade mode for a course to Credit/No Credit, Audit, or Standard grade. Be sure to refer to the Graduate College Handbook for policies.
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Course instructor’s signature and comments
- Due to seriousness of request, an explanation from the student why the deadline was missed and why the student should be granted an exception to the deadline (to be provided by the student)
- If applicable, supporting documentation, such as medical documentation is required (to be provided by the student)
Extend Time Allowed for I or DFR Grades
The Graduate College has policies regarding time limits for the completion of Incompletes (I) and some deferred grades (DFR). Please refer to the Graduate College Handbook for policies. Requests for extensions of the time to complete the course requirements for a course with an I or DFR grade are made by petition to the Graduate College.
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Instructor’s signature and comments
- Course information (CRNs, course departments, titles, credit hours, terms)
- Explanation of why the course has not been completed during the "I" period
- Detailed timeline for completion of course; extensions are granted for one term only (to be provided by the student)
- If applicable, supporting documentation, such as medical documentation is required (to be provided by the student)
Retroactive Add or change (Increase/Decrease) in Credit Hours to a Course
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Instructor’s signature and comments, including date of last attendance or academic activity for the course and an affirmation that the required academic work for the course was completed during the specified term
- Course information (CRNs, course departments, titles, credit hours, terms)
- Supplemental Grade Report Form completed by the department and signed by the instructor
- A statement of explanation why the deadline was missed and why the action is being requested (to be provided by the student)
Retroactive Drop of a Course
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Instructor’s signature and comments, including date of last attendance or academic activity for the course
- Course information (CRNs, course departments, titles, credit hours, terms) (to be provided by the student)
- A detailed statement about why the deadline was missed, and why the student should be an exception to the deadline (to be provided by the student)
- Supporting documentation, such as medical documentation (to be provided by the student)
Withdrawal/Cancellation from University after Deadline
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- A detailed statement about why the deadline was missed and why the student should be an exception to the deadline is required (to be provided by the student)
- Supporting documentation, such as evidence that the student notified university staff of their intent to withdraw/cancel prior to the deadline (to be provided by the student)
- Withdrawal/Cancellation form including an authorized signature from the department, and for international students a signature from a representative of International Student and Scholar Services
- Instructor comments , including date of last attendance or academic activity for the course(s)
Thesis, Dissertation, and/or committee policy exceptions
Graduate students are expected to observe all requirements and policies in the Graduate College Handbook for theses, dissertations, and Preliminary and Final exam committees and deadlines.
The following items are needed before a petition for exceptions to Graduate College policy on theses, dissertations, or committees can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Additional signatures and necessary documentation vary for these types of petitions. For example, additional statements may be required from all committee members or the Executive Officer of the program; students and advisers may wish to consult with Academic Affairs before submitting this type of petition
Reinstatement after being dropped for Low GPA
Students who are dropped from the Graduate College because of a low graduate GPA must petition to appeal. Note: If approved, students are reinstated on probation and expected to achieve the required GPA in one term. Be sure to refer to the Graduate College Handbook for policies.
The following items are needed before the petition can be submitted for Graduate College review:
- Student’s explanation of circumstances leading to low grades and steps being pursued to improve academic performance (to be provided by the student)
- Advisor and/or department statement that demonstrates support for a student to raise the GPA.