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Graduate College News

  • Posted: January 30, 2021
    Researchers used single-molecule imaging to compare the genome-editing tools CRISPR-Cas9 and TALEN. Their experiments revealed that TALEN is up to five times more efficient than CRISPR-Cas9 in parts of the genome, called heterochromatin, that are densely packed. Fragile X syndrome, sickle cell anemia, beta-thalassemia and other diseases are the...
  • Posted: January 28, 2021
    Culture, civic-mindedness and privacy concerns influence how willing people are to share personal location information to help stem the transmission of COVID-19 in their communities, a new study finds. Such sharing includes giving public health authorities access to their geographic information via data gathered from phone calls, mobile apps,...
  • Posted: January 13, 2021
    The Graduate College is pleased to announce a new partnership with VinUniversity, a private nonprofit university in Hanoi, Vietnam. The partnership will provide fellowships to Vietnamese citizens and Vietnamese-Americans who wish to pursue graduate degrees at the University of Illinois.  VinUniversity was established in 2018 with major...
  • Posted: December 14, 2020
    According to new research, people tend to moralize COVID-19-control efforts and are more willing to endorse human costs emerging from COVID-19-related restrictions than to accept costs resulting from other restraints meant to prevent injury or death. The level of support – and resulting outrage in response to perceived violations of this moral...
  • Posted: December 13, 2020
    Researchers have developed new 3D-printed microlenses with adjustable refractive indices – a property that gives them highly specialized light-focusing abilities. This advancement is poised to improve imaging, computing and communications by significantly increasing the data-routing capability of computer chips and other optical systems, the...
