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Graduate College News

  • Posted: February 7, 2019
    The Graduate College is pleased to announce the awardees of the Fall 2018 Graduate College Dissertation Travel Grant and Master’s Project Travel Grant.  “It’s exciting to see the range of locations throughout the US and the world to which our students are venturing.  With research processes becoming increasingly global, it’s great...
  • Posted: January 29, 2019
    An old tradition on the Quad is reinvigorated. The clock struck 12:50 p.m. and the Quad teemed with students during passing period. High above them, in Altgeld Hall, Jonathon Smith moved quickly, organizing his sheet music. He knew what many of them would think—that a machine was playing the chimes in the tower. They couldn’t be more wrong....
  • Posted: January 29, 2019
    A University of Illinois team of researchers led by chemistry professor M. Christina White has developed a new manganese-based catalyst that can change the structure of druglike molecules to make new drugs, advancing the pace and efficiency of drug development. Their findings appear in the journal Nature Chemistry. Many pharmaceuticals contain...
  • Posted: January 29, 2019
    Students’ comprehension of words in a foreign language improves if teachers pair each word with a gesture – even if the gesture is arbitrary and does not represent a word’s actual meaning, researchers at the University of Illinois found. Any gestures are helpful in foreign-language instruction as long as they cannot be confused with other to-be-...
  • Posted: December 17, 2018
    An enormous amount of food is wasted globally every year, with up to one-third of all edibles being discarded, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. At the same time, the FAO found that nearly one in nine people in the world suffer from undernourishment. Carolina Chantrill, MUP ’15, is striving to change that...
