Banner screens all are coded with letters, but usually people say them as words. These are listed by topic, show the letters you will need to type in to get to that screen, and adds what information you will find when you do.
Topic | Banner screen | option from SGASTDN screen? | Notes |
Academic status | SGASTDN | yes | General student form – under options – just shows academic status code |
Academic status by term | SGASTDQ | General student summary form; shows academic status codes | |
Account, student | TSAAREV SFAFAUD | Account detail review form | |
Add, drop activity | SFASTCA | Registration audit trail | |
Address | SOADDRQ | ||
Admissions application | SAAADMS | ||
Admissions decision | SAADCRV | OAR admission decision | |
Admissions rating form | SAARRAT | This information should now be entered into ApplyYourself | |
Adviser assignment | SGAADVR | yes | Allows the adviser to see the student's record in Web for Faculty |
Adviser information | SIAINST | Faculty/adviser information; activate instructors | |
Application Q&A | SAAQUAN | 1800 = withdraw application 1900 = recode 2000 = applicant rejects offer 4900 = limited status 5700 = admit 57ND = admit, nondegree 7800 = deny, incomplete 9000 = deny | |
Birth date | SOAIDEN | Person search | |
Class roster | SFASLST | ||
Colleges, previous | SOAPCOL | yes | Previous colleges and degrees |
Course history | SHATCKS | Section dependent course maintenance; course detail including grades | |
Course history, course information | SHACRSE | Complete course summary or courses by term; academic history; scroll to right for course titles (leave term field blank to see all terms except the current one) | |
Course information | SSATEXT SSASECT SCADETL | Notes on courses (You will need to next block twice to see if there is anything listed for a particular course.) Detailed info by CRN, scheduling, enrollment, F3 for details; info not by student Co-requisites, equivalent courses, fee information | |
Course maintenance | SHATCKC | Catalog dependent course maintenance | |
Course notes | SSATEXT | (next block twice) | |
Course registration status form | SFARSTS | Registration status codes | |
Course restrictions | SSARRES SCARRES | Course, schedule restrictions Restrictions by college, major, level, etc entered | |
Course roster | SFASLST | ||
Courses by term | SHAINST | yes | |
Course enrollment of cross listed course | SSAXLST | Shows total enrollment in all sections of a cross listed course | |
Curriculum rules | SOACURR | yes | |
Curriculum update form | SZACURU | ||
Degree objective | SGASTDN | General student form | |
General student form | SHADGMQ | ||
Degrees and formal awards | SHADEGR | Have to type in degree sequence, for example: 1, 2, 3, etc. | |
Degrees, previous | SOAPCOL | yes | Previous colleges and degrees |
Degrees, previous, from UI Direct | SHATCMT | ||
Department | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Enrollment by term for student | SFAREGF | Summary of term registration | |
Estimated graduation date (EGD) | SGASTDN | yes | General student form; on Academic and Graduation Status, Dual Degree tab |
Ethnicity, race | SPAIDEN | On the Biographical tab | |
Faculty information | SIAINST | Faculty/adviser information; activate instructors | |
Final Exam | SHATCMT | ||
GPA | SHASUBJ | Academic standing codes, GPA, hours etc overall or by subject | |
GPA | SHATERM | Current status and GPA; Need to "next block" for GPA by term | |
Grade | SFASLST | Grade the instructor assigned | |
Grade | SHATERM | Grade showing on the transcript | |
History, academic | SGASTDQ | General student summary form | |
Hold history | SZIHOHS | ||
Hold information | SOAHOLD | Current only | |
In absentia | SGASADD | yes | In absentia is an attribute; this screen shows cohorts and attributes for a student |
Instructor | SFAREGQ | yes | Shows schedule, instructor, times, class location |
Instructor Schedule | SIAASGQ | Shows courses an instructor is teaching for a specific term | |
Instructors, activate | SIAINST | Faculty/adviser information; activate instructors | |
Level, student | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Major | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Name, official | SPAIDEN | General person identification and official name (for theses) | |
Nationality | GOAINTL | Last tab on the screen | |
Overload | SZASOMH | ||
Override by course | SZACSRP | ||
Override, COAR | SFASRPO | Override by person (COAR) & student schedule | |
Preliminary exam | SHATCMT | Transcript events and comments | |
Program code, list of | SOACURR | ||
Program code, student | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Race, ethnicity | SPAIDEN | On the Biographical tab | |
Registration, audit trail | SFASTCA | Registration, audit trail | |
Registration changes | SFAREGS | Used by COAR for registration changes | |
Registration history, student | SFARHST | Also final grades, check for grade roll | |
Registration, other UI campuses | SFASTCA | Need proper term (with campus) in key block | |
Residence | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Room schedule | SSAMATX | Building/room schedule | |
Schedule, student | SFAREGQ | yes | Shows schedule, instructor, times, class location |
Status, student | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Telephone | SPATELE | yes | |
Term, admit and Term, catalog | SGASTDN | General student form | |
Test scores | SOATEST | ||
Time ticket dates | SFARGRP | Student registration group | |
Transcript events and comments | SHATCMT | Old degrees Academic events e.g. prelims, doctoral finals | |
Transfer courses | SHATRNS | ||
Withdrawal | SFIWDRL | Student withdrawal inquiry |