Graduate College Faculty & Staff Banner and Course Level

Banner and Course Level

In the Banner system, courses are indicated as "graduate" or "undergraduate" on the student record based on the student's level, not the level of the course. This means that if departmental restrictions are not placed, an undergraduate can enroll in any class, including 500 level classes. The student will receive credit for the class on the undergraduate portion of their transcript. If a department wishes to restrict enrollment in a 500 level class to graduate students, the department’s schedule maintainer needs to place a restriction on SSARRES. If a course has been established as a Sectional course, with separate undergraduate and graduate sections, an undergrad can take the grad section with permission by the dept/instructor (no need for GC approval just to take the course), but the course level STILL will be recorded as a 1U (Urbana undergrad) course because the student is an undergrad.

Any class (100 level to 600 level) taken by a graduate student will be recorded on the graduate portion of a graduate student's transcript and will be calculated into the overall GPA. Credit hours for courses below the 400 level, and courses marked as 'not for graduate credit' or for professional credit only in the Course Catalog may not be applied a graduate degree. Departments may have additional restrictions concerning the level of courses that will apply toward a graduate degree.

It is unlikely that requests for change in credit level will be approved for students who are not in a BS/MS program.