Banner Terms

Academic StructureThe defined set of values and rules that help identify and distinguish data within Banner for the University's academic organization and high-level curriculum.
Alternate ID
An identification number other than the current primary Banner ID. Examples are recruit ID, Web ID or legacy ID numbers.
ApplicantA prospective student who has filed an application for admission to one or more campuses of the University.
ApplicationA request (paper or on-line) sent in by a prospective student to apply for admission to the University.

Attributes are term-specific codes that identify characteristics about a student, such as honor societies, student athlete, marching band, or residence-hall status. Attributes are used to grant a student priority status as well as control access to specific courses. Students can have multiple attributes at the same time.
Automated Decision RulesRules that specify minimum requirements in specific areas, enabling Banner to make automated admission decisions on applicants.
CIP Code (CIPC)CIPC is an acronym for Classification of Instruction Program Code, which is a six-digit number, assigned by the Federal Government to identify major areas of study.

Banner cohorts can be used to track large populations of students as they progress through their college careers (such as Freshman Class of 2004). Most students typically belong to only one cohort at a time and remain in that cohort until their status changes (e.g., undergraduate enters a graduate program). Cohorts do not impact any Banner processes such as registration. The cohort field is designed for reporting purposes.
The specific area within an academic discipline to which the student is enrolled. A graduate concentration has its own program code.
Course LevelIn the Banner system, courses are indicated as "graduate" 1G or "undergraduate" 1U on the student record based on the student's level, not the level of the course. Other levels are 1V fro Veterinary students and 1L for Law students.
CRN (Course Reference Number)A system-generated five-digit number that uniquely identifies a section. Each time a course section is created in Banner, that section is assigned a Course Reference Number. This number is then used to reference individual or packaged sections of a course.
Curriculum Rules

A set of rules that control the academic requirements defined by the program code. Curriculum rules are used in conjunction with program codes to attach major, minor, concentration, and department to each valid academic program. The valid program is the degree that the student is working towards which is also referred to as "sought degree."
A decision regarding an applicant. It may be a final disposition such as Admit or Deny, or it may be an interim decision such as Wait List or Pending Special Requirement.
Decision Code
A value indicating a decision regarding an applicant. It may be a final disposition such as Admit or Deny, or it may be an interim decision such as Wait List or Pending Special Requirement.
Detail Code
Four-digit alphanumeric code designated as either a charge or payment, including, but not limited to: tuition, fees, cash payments, check payments, and financial aid disbursements.
Expected Graduation Date (EGD)In Banner, the Expected Graduation Date is used to indicate the number of semesters a student has to complete a degree. Similar to the old Final Authorized Term (FAT), but does not have the same function in Banner.
Extended Search

After performing an initial search (using the Alternate Search function), taking that information and performing additional searches using the original search information. A reduced search allows for flexibility in locating people in Banner.
General Person

A Banner record created upon a person's or non-person's initial contact with the university. It contains demographic information such as name, gender, date of birth, SSN, address, phone number, citizen status, and ethnicity. Only one General Person record exists university-wide for each person or non-person; it is updated as information changes.
Grade RollAn automated process of copying all grades from a term to Academic History.
A hold prevents certain student activity such as registration or graduation, or the release of transcripts and grade reports.

A Banner record that contains current student information such as curriculum, status, campus, residency type, student type, student level, and class code. A Learner record is created when U of I accepts a student and the student confirms U of I attendance. Therefore, a Learner record cannot exist without a General Person record and a Student Application record.
List of Values (LOV)
A LOV window lists the values you can choose for a field. The values have been defined in a validation form as acceptable for this field. LOV windows display when you double-click a blue field in Banner or when you select List from the Help menu.

As an integrated computer system, Banner uses a modular approach in sharing data. When information in the Student, Human Resources, Finance, and Financial Aid modules is updated, the updates are applied to records in other modules, as applicable. There are ten modules (sometimes called submodules) considered to be Student modules: Catalog, Schedule, Location Management, Academic History, Registration, General Person, General Student, Recruiting and Admissions, Financial Aid, and Accounts Receivable.
Non-PersonAn entity such as a vendor or an organization that is defined in a Banner General Person record.
Permit-override codeA permit-override code bypasses the error checking that most authorized staff would normally perform in SZACSRP (sometimes in SFAREGS) and Web for Student registration.
PersonAn entity such as a student or an employee who is defined in a Banner General Person record.
Predicted Grade Point Average. A calculation indicating how well an applicant might do at a particular campus or in a program based on educational background and other factors.
Program Code

A string of numbers and letters that indicates campus, college, major or concentration, and degree. Program codes are used in Academic Structure to combine different segments into one alphanumeric string. For example, 10FS0106MS, where 10 denotes campus, FS denotes college, 0106 denotes major, and MS denotes degree.

Evaluations or recommendations that are used to make an admissions decision, in addition to an applicant's test scores and prior educational record. Evaluations, recommendations, and PGPAs (Predicted Grade Point Averages) are the three types of ratings.
A subdivision of a specific academic year with a specific start and end date. Term can be used to restrict available courses.
Time TicketA time ticket displays the date-and-time timeframes during which a student may register.
Value-Based Security (VBS)An SCT Banner security tool that allows U of I to control user access to data.
Virtual Private Database (VPD)An Oracle security tool connected to the user’s campus login that ensures campus level security.