Slate Resources
Accessing and Navigating Slate, International Evaluation Requests, Admissions Referrals and Materials, Queries and Exports
How To Guide: Accessing and Navigating the System, Uploading and Reviewing Materials, Requesting Evals and Submitting Referrals
Credential Evaluation Resources
Pre-Referral Credential Evaluations, Recodes, Admissions Processing, Eligibility, Full Status Pathway Options, Letters of Justification, Other Types of Admissions, Admissions Resources
Domestic Institutions, International Institutions, English Proficiency, Academic Eligibility
- Graduate College Minimum Admissions Requirements
- U.S. Comparable Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
- Minimum Admission Requirements by Country
- Council for Higher Education Accreditation
- International Association of Universities List of Higher Education Institutions
English Proficiency Evaluation Resources
- English Proficiency Requirements for Admission
- English Proficiency Requirement for International Teaching Assistants
SEVIS and Financial Evaluation Resources
Admissions Policy and Forms Resources
- Graduate Admissions Deadline Policy
- Graduate Non-Degree Admissions Policy
- Summary of University of Illinois Admissions Firewall Policy
- Forms for Admissions
- Web Site Assessment Tool
Registration and Enrollment Services Resources
- Graduate College Handbook Registration Requirements and Options (Chapter 2, p. 13)
- For curriculum changes and re-entry requests, graduate programs can choose to require a full application for admission or to allow the student to submit a petition. Please review the specific instructions for these requests:
Mailing Address:
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The Graduate College
507 East Green Street
Suite 101, MC-434
Champaign, IL 61820
Additional Resources:
Interdisciplinary and Cross-College Recruiting and Admissions (ICRA)
A procedure to allow students interested in a research area defined by multiple graduate programs to apply and be admitted to the Graduate College, to spend their first semester in a core curriculum while developing relationships with all the faculty in the research area, and then to be admitted to the most appropriate program for the student and faculty member.