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English Department


Teaching Assistantship



Description, Responsibilities, and Qualifications

The Rhetoric Program, housed within the English Department, invites applications for graduate student instructors for Rhetoric 105: Writing and Research. RHET 105 is the main Composition I general education course at UIUC and focuses on writing as a process, rhetoric, writing with sources, and research. Applicants should familiarize themselves with course learning goals at

Graduate students from a variety of disciplines with an interest in teaching writing are invited to apply (particularly master’s students in LAS and doctoral students across campus). Applicants must be graduate students in good standing and tuition waiver eligible. Prior teaching experience is a bonus but is not required, as training and support is provided. A syllabus and course assignments are provided for first-time Rhetoric teachers, with the ability to tailor the course to one’s own pedagogy in subsequent semesters.

Candidates must be available for orientation starting August 16 and must enroll in ENGL 593: Proseminar in the Teaching of Writing the first semester they teach Rhet 105 (available only in fall). This is a renewable position depending on instructor interest, departmental need, and satisfactory performance.

Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching one in-person section of 19 students for a 33% appointment. Candidates may apply to teach two sections for a total 67% appointment.
  • Maintaining responsibility for all aspects of the course (planning, teaching, assessments).
  • Teaching interactive lessons related to writing instruction (3 hours of in-class time per week).
  • Providing feedback on student writing throughout the semester (students draft and revise at least 7,500 words in the course).
  • Supporting diverse student learners with care and respect.
  • Remaining accountable to program directors for teaching materials, observations, monthly meetings, and other professional development.


33% FTE TA minimum wage as determined by the GEO contract

Application Procedure

To apply, please send a cover letter and current CV to Dr. Kristi McDuffie, Director of Rhetoric (, in a single PDF. In your cover letter, explain your interest in the position, qualifications (highlighting any teaching, mentoring, supervising or tutoring experience you may have), progress in your program of study, and contact information for two references. If available, please also send a statement of teaching philosophy and a prior syllabus. Applications submitted by 11:59pm on April 30, 2024 are guaranteed review.

Application Deadline

April 30
Contact Info

Contact Name

Kristi McDuffie

Contact Email

Contact Phone


Contact Address

294 English Building 608 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61822

Start Date

Friday, August 16, 2024