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Academic Standing FAQ for Graduate Students

The Graduate College and academic departments monitor various aspects of a student’s progress in their degree program. We use Academic Standing to reflect a student’s progress in several categories, for example, grades and progress toward degree milestones.

What does the Graduate College monitor?

The Graduate College monitors several categories, including:

  • Semester and cumulative GPA;
  • Time limit for preliminary exam completion;
  • Time limit for degree completion;
  • Academic standing change based on program recommendation; and
  • Limited Status Admission.

Detailed information about these categories can be reviewed on the Understanding Academic Standing web page or in section 3.2 of the Graduate College Handbook.

Graduate programs monitor other aspects of degree progress; questions about this should be directed to your department.

What are the categories of Academic Standing?

There are three categories of Academic Standing.

  • Good Standing: Students in Good Standing are making satisfactory progress in all aspects of their degree.
  • Academic Warning: Student on Academic Warning status are not making satisfactory progress in an aspect of their degree. Students on Academic Warning will receive a notice from the Graduate College.
  • Drop Status: Students on Academic Warning who do not satisfy the requirements described in the notice letter will be placed on Drop Status. Students on Drop Status are not eligible to enroll or hold any graduate appointment. In this status, students can petition for reinstatement.

How can I check my Academic Standing?

Students may view their current Academic Standing in Student Self-Service.

How will I know if I will be placed on Academic Warning or Dropped?

The Graduate College sends notices to students to let them know if they will be placed on Academic Warning or Drop Status. It’s also a good idea to check your current Academic Standing in Student Self-Service.

Can I hold an assistantship or fellowship while on Academic Warning status?

If you are notified by the Graduate College that you are no longer in good academic standing, you will need to submit a petition requesting to hold an assistantship/fellowship while not in Good Standing. You can learn more about the petition process and submit your request on the Graduate College website.

Can I petition for an exception to Academic Warning status?

Yes, it is possible to petition for an exception to Academic Warning status through the Graduate College petition process. Petitions will need to include justification from the department and your adviser.

How do I petition for reinstatement if I am on Drop Status?

You can petition the Graduate College for reinstatement through the Graduate College petition process. In your petition, you will need to have an academic plan for progress and any other relevant supporting materials. The petition must contain strong support from your academic program.

Will my Academic Standing appear on my transcript?

Student academic standing status does not appear on the academic transcript, except in cases where students have been dropped and are not reinstated.

Where can I go with questions regarding my academic standing?

For quick questions about academic standing and/or the petition process, you can schedule a 15-minute Academic Standing Advising appointment on the Graduate College website. 

If you would like help mapping out a plan to take your preliminary exam, you can schedule a 30-minute Academic Success Coaching appointment on the Graduate College website.