Graduate students wishing to complete a campus approved graduate minor should refer to the Graduate College Handbook and note the requirements on the respective minor department webpage. In addition, each program has different procedures for applying to and completing their minor.
In order to add a minor to their academic record, students must submit a curriculum change request using the graduate petition. Without an approved request, a minor will not appear on the official transcript. Additionally, minors will not be awarded after certification of the major degree. The petition must indicate the courses that will be used for completion of the minor. The major advisor must indicate approval and sign the request. The department offering the minor must sign the request and certify that the courses listed by the student will satisfy completion of the requirements for the minor. The department enrolling the student must also sign the request.
The petition should be submitted before the last semester of enrollment. Minor(s) will not be added retroactively to a student record after the major degree is conferred. A student's approved enrollment period will not be extended for the purpose of completing a minor. If a student successfully requests to receive a minor, and then before receiving the degree wishes to change to a new program, the new program must note on the curriculum transfer whether they will accept the minor in their degree program. If the request is not approved, the minor will be removed from the record when the transfer program is approved. Students completing a minor should consult the thesis handbook for instructions about how to add the minor to the thesis title page if a thesis is required for graduation from the major degree program.