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Procedure for the Review of the Written Departmental Grievance Policies

The Graduate College Grievance Policy Section III.B directs the Dean of the Graduate College to approve written departmental grievance policies. The procedure for this is as follows:


  1. Submission of the written Department Grievance policy to the Graduate College for review.

  2. Initial Review will be completed by an Assistant or Associate Dean of the Graduate College to determine the degree of variation form Graduate College policy.
    • If the changes or variations are determined to be minor, the Assistant or Associate Dean will make recommendation to approve to the Dean.
    • If the changes or revisions are determined to be major, then a subcommittee of the Executive Committee will be convened to review the policy, and the subcommittee will make recommendations to the Dean.

  3. If the Dean reviews the recommendations and the department policy and determines that the changes or revisions are not acceptable, the Dean makes recommendations to the department for revisions.

  4. When the Dean reviews the department policy and determines that the changes or variations are acceptable, the Dean approves the policy.

  5. The Executive Committee will be notified of the approval of the written department policy. The notification will be part of the minutes of the Executive Committee.

  6. The Department will be notified that the policy is approved.

  7. The policy will be posted to the Graduate College web site as an official copy of the departmental policy.

September 1, 2011

Resources for developing grievance policies:

Grievance Policies Key Principles

Resources for Grievance Policies and their Development