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Sense of University Belonging Fluctuations Within College Students of Diverse Racial Ethnic Cultural Identities

The explanation of fluctuations in sense of university belonging has been difficult to pinpoint. Through survey and oral interviews, sense of university belonging shows to be based on experiences that includes individuals’ identities as students, diverse racial ethnic cultural individuals, and racial climate of the US. Findings also indicate that student involvement is the most beneficial to university sense of university belonging. Student involvement can take form as mentorship from university faculty, peer groups, and campus involvement in clubs & organizations. We hope to better develop understanding of changes in sense of university belonging by conducting larger studies and leveraging technology in recruitment and data collection.

Jennifer Hernandez
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Research Advisor: 
Dr. Nidia Ruedas-Gracia
Department of Research Advisor: 
Educational Psychology
Year of Publication: