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Illinois Transcripts for Fellowship Competitions

In preparing nominations of current Illinois students for Graduate College fellowship or grant competitions, there are two documents that may be submitted as Illinois academic records:

  1. Official Transcript -- Student must personally obtain an official copy in a sealed envelope from the Office of the Registrar and provide it to the department submitting the fellowship nomination or give permission to the Office of the Registrar to release a copy to the graduate program .
  2. Academic History for Advisors - EDDIE version (SAH_Academic_History_for_Advisors). Use the Course History by Term tab. To search for a single student, use refresh and search by UIN, using current term. If you do not have access to this report in EDDIE, you will need to request access through your Unit Security Contact.

To assist in the preparation of the nomination materials, please pay particular attention to the specific fellowship description, which outlines the transcript requirement.