The Graduate College Career Development Office can help students connect with professional development opportunities, explore broad careers, and prepare for a job search. Here are some ways you can help students access our services:
Individual Advising
The Graduate College Career Development Office offers individual advising on topics ranging from career exploration to application documents to interviewing strategies. If you have a student you think would benefit from meeting with a career counselor, you can direct them to use this link to learn more and make an appointment.
All-Campus Workshops
Graduate College Career Development offers workshops on a range of topics--including grad school planning, career exploration, professional communication, and the job search--each semester and over the summer. Direct students to the current term's workshop series by passing along this link.
customized workshops
The Graduate College Career Development offers workshops that can be requested by departments, faculty, research groups, student groups, or other campus units or entities. These workshops can be a productive addition to orientations, courses, professional development seminars, research group meetings, and more. You can learn more and request a workshop on this page.