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Fellowship and Traineeship Appointments Processing

All fellowships and traineeships paid through the campus payroll system, regardless of the stipend amount, must be processed through the Graduate College Fellowship Office. The Fellowship Office will be the Home Org for all fellows paid through the campus payroll system.

To initiate the processing of a fellowship or traineeship appointment, the department should submit a fellowship award request using the Fellowship Processing System (to request access contact NOTE: This new system replaces the use of the rating form, concurrent appointment approval request form, and the stand-alone and courtesy waiver request form.

The new system generates the Notice of Appointment (NOA) and sends it to the student. The student then electronically signs and submits the form within the system.

We have prepared a training for how to use the new system.

When the Graduate College Business and Fellowship Processing Office receives the NOA accepting the fellowship or traineeship, the process of entering the appointment into the campus system (via HRFE) begins. The sequence of processing is as follows:

  1. The Business and Fellowship Processing Office will set up all new fellows and trainees in HR Front End. This triggers the sending of an email to the fellow with instructions on completing Nessie New Hire (if needed). After Nessie New Hire has been completed, the Business and Fellowship Processing Office enters the job in  campus HR Front End. Please note that the I-9 Form is not required for Fellowship or Traineeship appointments. The Graduate College does not request nor receive the I-9 Form from students with fellowships or traineeships.
  2. If a pay adjustment is necessary, the Business and Fellowship Processing Office will send an email to the Graduate College departmental contact. The department completes the pay adjustment(s) for fellows or trainees paid on departmental funds and Block Grant funds. The Business and Fellowship Processing Office completes pay adjustments for fellows paid on Graduate College funds.

Concurrent appointments are limited for fellows and trainees and require prior approval from the Business and Fellowship Processing Office. All transactions to give a fellow or trainee another appointment will be routed to the Business and Fellowship Processing Office for review. If the transaction is initiated for a grad hourly appointment, please indicate hours expected to work per week. It is the responsibility of the unit providing the graduate assistantship or hourly appointment to submit/attach the appropriate supporting documentation, including the I-9 Form, to AHR as part of the graduate appointment transaction. Contact Illinios Human Resources (333-6747) with questions regarding Tracker I-9 or the I-9 process.