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2024 Research Live! Winners

Research Live! 2024 Winners

The Graduate College is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Research Live! competition.

Now in its ninth year, Research Live! is a fun, fast-paced competition that celebrates graduate student research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Twelve finalists shared their passions in three minutes or less at the Campus Instructional Facility Atrium on Tuesday, April 2. 

Want to see the incredible presenters again? Watch a recording of the 2024 Finalist Showcase!  

The winners are: 

The Visionary Award: $200
Vincent Carlson, Theatre, "Shatterpoints: An Adaptation Theory"

The Storyteller Award: $200
Vignesh Srinivasakumar, Computer Science, "AI Teaches AI to Teach"

The Impact Award: $200
Satinderpal Kaur, Entomology, "Flooding, Food Security and Plant-insect Interactions"

The Design Award: $200
Andrew Freeman, Electrical Engineering, "Breaking the Ice: Fast and Reliable Aircraft Wing Deicing"

The People's Choice Award: $200
Dhanush Gandavadi, Bioengineering, "Origami for Cancer Therapy"

The Grand Prize: $500
Kyle Timmer, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, "A Biomimetic Scaffold to Improve Rotator Cuff Shoulder Repair"

Learn more about Research Live! and see the complete list of finalists.