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Summer Predoctoral Programs

Application Open: February 1, 2024 - April 17, 2024


Summer Predoctoral Programs at Illinois provide early acclimation to graduate school, requirements of the participant’s graduate program, and the Illinois campus. The programs focus on three main areas that support student success: academic, social, and cultural/environmental acclimation.

There are two summer predoctoral programs Options:

The 8-week Summer Predoctoral Institute (SPI) provides incoming graduate students an early introduction to graduate study and an opportunity to work with summer research advisers in their departments in addition to other programming.

The Summer Emerging PhD Program provides incoming graduate students an opportunity to learn about graduate school culture, network with current graduate students, spend a day with their department, and attend graduate school sustainability seminars over 2.5 weeks.

All SPI participants will present their summer research project at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium (ISRS) and will take place Monday, July 22, 2024.

Housing, meals, and travel are provided for both programs. Both programs also provide students with a stipend.


Summer Predoctoral Institute: June 3, 2024 – July 26, 2024
Summer Emerging PhD Program: July 10, 2024 – July 26, 2024

Program Component Summer Predoctoral Institute Summer Emerging PhD Program
Culture of Graduate School and Sustainability Seminars X X
Guided Summer Research Projects X  
Networking with Graduate Students X X
Introduction to the Graduate College and the Graduate College Administration X X
Meeting Faculty and Adviser in Home Department X X
Enrolling in an Independent Study Course X  
Cohort Building Activities X X
Exploring Campus Resources X X
Touring Centers and Campus Libraries X X