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Stage 3 of the Thesis Process: Graduate College Approval

After you have received approval from your departmental thesis reviewer, you are ready to submit your thesis to the Graduate College for review.

Please note: Your thesis deposit is not complete until you have made all corrections requested by the Graduate College Thesis Office and have submitted all supporting items required for the deposit. All corrections and additional materials must be received in satisfactory condition by the Thesis Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deposit deadline for your intended graduation period. Once the thesis or dissertation has been approved for deposit by the Graduate College, no additional changes to the document will be allowed.

Before you start


For each graduation period, there is a deadline by which the thesis deposit with the Graduate College Thesis Office must be completed. All corrections and all required deposit materials must be received by the Graduate College Thesis Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline.

When to submit Your thesis to the Graduate College Thesis Office

The Thesis Office strongly recommends that students submit the departmentally approved thesis to the Graduate College at least one week prior to the deposit deadline. However, please note that the thesis should be submitted to the Graduate College only after the thesis

  • has been formatted according to Graduate College requirements (see Stage 1), and
  • has received departmental approval (see Stage 2).

Note: The Graduate College does not require students to be registered at the time of thesis deposit.

Fellowship and Assistantship Appointments

Students holding fellowships must notify the Graduate College Fellowship Office in advance of thesis deposit. Effective Spring 2008, students with assistantship appointments (RA, TA, GA, PPGA) are eligible to hold their assistantships through the end of the semester in which they deposit, regardless of the deposit date during that semester. For additional information on campus fellowship and assistantship policies, please refer to the Graduate College Handbook. Questions regarding these policies should be addressed to the Graduate College Fellowship Office.

Submit your thesis to the Graduate College Thesis Office 

Electronic submission of the master's thesis or doctoral dissertation to the Graduate College for both review and deposit is mandatory. To submit your electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD), please follow our instructions for submitting your thesis.

Note: The Graduate College does not accept emailed PDFs or hard copy submissions for review or deposit.

Prepare required deposit items

In addition to your thesis, you will need to submit supporting items in order to complete your deposit. See the Required Deposit Items page for a list of deposit items, how to access those items, and instructions for submitting your materials to the Thesis Office. You may submit these materials to the Thesis Office prior to submitting your thesis for review or after. However, your deposit is not complete until all required items have been received in satisfactory condition.

Deposit fee

Upon completion of your deposit, your student account will be charged a deposit fee. The fee is:

  • $50 for doctoral students
  • $25 for master's students

The fee will appear on your student account approximately one business day after your deposit is complete. If your account is no longer active or you would like to inquire about payment options, please contact University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations after your deposit is complete.