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Stage 1 of the Thesis Process: Development

The start of the thesis process is an exciting time. You can dedicate time to the work that you are most passionate about. You'll make important discoveries, exchange new ideas, and find opportunities to share your work with others. We want to support you throughout the thesis process, so we have created a Canvas workspace just for you!

Our Thesis Workspace is broken into several modules that are designed to help you navigate the process of writing your thesis and learn more about available campus resources. We've included space for you to record your thoughts and created handouts to help you plan and prioritize. The thesis process can sometimes feel challenging or lonely, so this workspace has discussion boards where you can share tips, ask for advice, and build a community with a broad network of students. Our modules include:

  • Welcome: Get to know the people working in the Thesis Office!
  • Getting Started: Search for theses in your field, create a plan, and discover tools to help you get off to a good start.
  • Your Campus Community: There is a whole team of people on this campus ready to support you! Meet some of them and learn about how they can help you.
  • Work-Life Balance: YOU are the most important part of this process! Attending to your overall wellbeing is going to help you write well, and accomplish your goal. Review strategies to help you build sustainable practices into your writing plan and nagivate common challenges.
  • Building Momentum: Check out resources to help you make the most of your time, prioritize, and overcome writer's block.
  • Sharing Your Work: Develop and practice your communication skills for expert and non-expert audiences.
  • Looking Ahead: What happens after you've finished writing your thesis? Learn about formatting, publishing books or articles, and the job hunt.
  • Support and Share: Connect with other graduate students, share advice and tips, and form a supportive community.

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