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Recommendations for Proposals to House Graduate Programs Outside of Departments

Traditionally graduate programs are housed in academic units that are the tenure track home for its faculty. However the Graduate College Executive Committee sees this model becoming less the standard, especially as the number of interdisciplinary opportunities on this campus grow. When reviewing proposals for programs that will not be housed in a traditional department, the committee realized that additional information would be helpful. Therefore the committee recommends that these types of proposals should address:


  • Include an organizational chart, which outlines the organizational structure of the proposed program, reporting lines, position titles, and anticipated personnel at program launch (denoting TT faculty members and %FTE for non-TT faculty)

  • Provide all relevant MOAs and/or MOUs, which should outline all necessary financial agreements, and the roles and responsibilities of each unit in the proposed program

  • Describe the physical home of the program, including long-term plans for new facilities, if applicable

  • Describe how critical academic functions such as admissions and student advising will be managed

  • Describe how members of interdisciplinary councils or committees will be composed and how membership will be selected and maintained/rotated

  • Outline a reporting process that allows faculty to document their involvement in the program and the merit of their contributions

  • Include a phase-down plan or a mechanism to shutter the program once it is no longer needed


Developed Spring 2014