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Procrastination Assessment

Am I procrastinating on the thesis?

  • Do you develop time-management plans but utilize them inconsistently?
  • Do you find yourself thinking of reasons to avoid working on the thesis?
  • Do you work on some tasks (e.g., teaching or research) as a way of avoiding the thesis?
  • Are you easily distracted by tasks that are unrelated to the thesis?
  • Do you justify decisions to avoid the thesis with rationalizations that aren’t true?
  • Are you working in places where you are unable to be productive?
  • Do you establish goals and then adjust them repeatedly because you aren’t working consistently on the thesis?

Why am I procrastinating on the thesis?

  • Do you think of your thesis as a meaningful project?
  • Is the thesis relevant to your professional goals?
  • Do you enjoy working on the thesis?
  • Does the thesis challenge you or are you bored by it?
  • Do you feel supported by your adviser, colleagues, and family?
  • Do you feel recognized for your accomplishments?
  • Do you feel confident in the work you are currently doing on the thesis?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the thesis?
  • Are your standards difficult or impossible for you to meet?
  • Are you avoiding the thesis because you're anxious about the job market?

What are the consequences associated with my procrastination?

  • Do you feel guilty whenever you're not working on the thesis?
  • Do you avoid colleagues so that you won’t have to talk about the thesis?
  • Have you been unable to meet agreed-upon deadlines?
  • Has there been conflict with your adviser regarding lack of progress?
  • Do you feel anxious regarding your ability to meet time-to-completion goals?
  • Do you have trouble concentrating on tasks related to the thesis?
  • Have your relationships with important friends/partners been affected by your lack of progress?
  • Have you experienced psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or sleep disturbance?

What can I do about procrastination?

  • Have you developed a time-management plan that includes specific goals?
  • Have you established reasonable goals?
  • Do you have a way of monitoring your progress?
  • Have you organized your time so that tasks don’t seem overwhelming?
  • Have you scheduled regular meetings with your adviser to address questions as they arise? 
  • Are there colleagues who can provide support and accountability?
  • Do you have other interests that provide balance in your life?
  • Do you allocate time for wellness activities, including sleep, exercise, recreation, and friendships?

Strategies for Managing Procrastination